Southfield Close, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 5YN



Driffield Northfield Infant School

Welcome to Year 1! 

On this page you can find out all about what we get up to in Year 1


Visits to Elmswell…

Our trip to the Sea Life Centre was such a great day!

Here are some photos of the Bumble bees doing their gardening and outdoor learning session…

This term in Year 1 we have gone into the mystical world of castle and dragons.

-We started off the term with the story 'Tell me a dragon' and the children imagined and described their own dragon, its magical powers and where it lived.

-The children have loved making their own dragon sock puppets in Design and Technology.

-We focused on the fairy tale of 'Jack and the beanstalk' and the children have become authors and are rewriting the story with the help of a story map that they created.

-In Science we have planted beans to watch our own beanstalks grow!


The bumble bees had a great time at the gym and we can’t wait for more sessions in the New Year for both the Bumble bees and the caterpillars! 

Toasting marshmallows and drinking hot chocolate …. The best kind of afternoons!

The Bumble bees had a great afternoon outdoor learning and gardening. They loved creating their Autumn wands and looking for signs of Autumn!

On Tuesday 26th September we held an information workshop to tell parents and carers about life in Year 1. Please see a copy of the presentation below and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Today we did a science experiment to see what happens when you mix warm water with sugar coated sweets - The children were amazed by the results!

We had THE BEST time at William's Den with the rest of the school - it was soooo much fun!

During our outdoor learning session we worked in groups to do some den building...

The Year one children had a great time at the gym and learnt lots of new skills...

The Caterpillar class had a lovely morning at Elmswell Farm, we went on the tractor and trailer and when we arrived Farmer John took us for a walk around the farm. We saw combine harvesters, highland cattle and their calves which were only a few days old, a huge pile of wheat in a shed and beautiful spring flowers. The children were great and we were very lucky with the weather! 

Dalby Forest

The children had so much fun on their first ever school trip! They were so well behaved and made us all super proud. Click on the photos below to see what they got up to!


Well done Year 1!!

The Bumble bee's had a great time at Wolds Gymnastics club and are learning so many new skills whilst they are there! They moved so quickly it was hard to get a good photo :) The gymnastics coaches were so proud of how much confidence they gained using the equipment and also the 'have a go' attitude they had! Well done!!

LEGO DAY - We celebrated by drawing, making, sketching, colouring and building! 

Year 1 love their new outdoor area! How amazing does it look? We are so lucky!