Southfield Close, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 5YN



Driffield Northfield Infant School

Mental Health and Wellbeing

It is really important to us that we support everyone in Team Northfield's mental health and wellbeing.  We all need to feel well and be mentally healthy if we are to enjoy life and thrive.  We offer a wide range of support for both children and adults to ensure they are able to spot the signs of low wellbeing and/or mental health problems, as well as being able to offer support or signpost to the right places when more support is needed.

This page shows how we support in school and has resources that can help to teach your children and support their wellbeing and mental health, as well as some resources to help everyone look after themselves and links to other services.


Our Pastoral Team:

All our staff are experienced and trained in spotting signs and supporting mental health and wellbeing but we are also fortunate to have pastoral support team, who can offer specific support and advice to both children and parents/carers:

  • Mrs Woolhouse is the Designated Safeguarding and Senior Mental Health Lead
  • Mrs Theakston is the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
  • Mrs Bell and Mrs Palmer are the Pastoral and SEND Teaching Assistants who work on a 1:1 or small group basis.  They are also trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA)

The Nest, the Rainbow Room and Sunshine Room are our special places for support.

Here is an outline of the kind of support we offer children at different levels of need:

 Mental Health Policy.pdfDownload
 Staff Wellbeing Policy.pdfDownload
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What is Mental Health?

Here is a booklet helps explain mental health in a simple for children.  Below this are some other booklets that might to explain different situations and feelings too.

 Grief and Loss V2JUL22.pdfDownload
 mindful monsters (1) (1).pdfDownload
 Separation Anxiety Booklet V2Jul22.pdfDownload
 What is Anxiety V2JUL22.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Here are some useful tips for parents and carers to support wellbeing:

Links to other resources for supporting children and adults:

Driffield Mental Health Mates - This groups offers walks around the local area where you can connect with others and get active.

BBC Bitesize - Advice on the Five steps to help with children's wellbeing

NSPCC  - Children's Mental Health

Partnership for Children - Supporting children's wellbeing

Place2Be - Improving children's mental health

Family Action  - Building stronger families

Mental Health Foundation