Southfield Close, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 5YN



Driffield Northfield Infant School


Our dedicated and highly qualified staff are committed to providing the best possible experiences and opportunities for all our pupils and their families.  All staff are approachable and keen to help you with any questions or concerns you may have.  Teachers are available at the beginning and end of the day for brief discussions and appointments can be made through the school office should more time be needed. 



Mrs S.Woolhouse

(Designated Safeguarding Lead, Pupil Premium Champion, Looked After Children Lead, P.E Subject Leader, SMSC Subject Leader, Online Safety)

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs C. Theakston

(Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator, Pastoral Support Team Leader)


Miss Kelly.png

Class Teacher - Miss M. Kelly 

Nursery Nurse - Mrs S.Harman (HLTA,Breakfast Club Supervisor)

Teaching Assistant - Mrs J.Flintoft (HLTA, Breakfast Club Lead, Cleaner)


Class Teacher - Mrs. B. Buckton (History Leader)/Mrs G.Wainwright (EYFS Leader, Geography Subject Leader)


Teaching Assistant - Mrs C.Raines



Class Teacher - Mrs S.Bull (Science, ICT, RE Leader)/Mrs C. Theakston (Assistant Headteacher, Special Educational Needs Coordinator) 

Teaching Assistant - Mrs S. Scotter


Class Teacher - Miss S. Tate (Art Subject Leader, Music Subject Leader)/Mrs. C. Theakston (Assistant Headteacher, Special Educational Needs Coordinator)

Teaching Assistant - Mrs M. Hancox


Class Teacher - Mrs L.Baarda (Maths Subject Leader)

Teaching Assistant - Miss G. Pickering


Class Teacher - Miss J.Yorke (English Subject Leader, Educational Visits Coordinator)

Teaching Assistant - Mrs K. Kemp

Pastoral Support Staff

Mrs F.Bell

Admin Staff

 School Business Manager - Mrs S. Searby

Admin/Attendance Officer - Mrs K.Walker

Lunchtime Staff

Senior Midday Supervisor - Mrs J. Pallant (Breakfast Club Lead, Cleaner)

Kitchen Assistant - Mrs D.O'Brien

Kitchen Assistant - Mrs K.Pearson

Midday Supervisor - Mrs H.Woodcock (Cleaner)

Midday Supervisor - Mrs G.Bull

Midday Supervisor - Mrs L.Manson

Midday Supervisor - Mrs L. Blackburn

Midday Supervisor - Mrs J. Perdisci

Midday Supervisor - Mrs R Hargreaves

Site Maintenance Staff

Caretaker - Miss K.Major

Cleaner/Ground Maintenance - Mr A.Hogg